by Logan | Feb 5, 2018 | Logan's Howl
One of the best things you can do for your relationship with your dog is listen to them. From pawing at (or flipping over!) the water/food bowl to standing at the door and barking, each of this communications is an opportunity to increase your channels for dialogue....
by Logan | Jan 23, 2018 | Logan's Howl
The science is clear: there is as much variety within a breed as there is between dogs of different breeds. Why, then, do so many insist that some breeds are always smarter or better than other dogs, especially those of mixed parentage? Why, when first meeting a new...
by Logan | Jan 8, 2018 | Logan's Howl
It’s another Mixed Breed Monday in NYC! Trains are a mess and the weather has been brutal, but thankfully we have our four-legged besties to keep us warm and smiling. I think of Winter as nature’s planning phase – things may seem bleak and dreary,...
by Logan | Jan 2, 2018 | Logan's Howl
2018 has arrived! We hope the holiday season brought boundless revelry and joy to you and your best friends. But now it’s back to action – we’re refreshed and ready to keep moving forward. In addition to daily dog duties, I’m spending the week...
by Logan | Nov 9, 2017 | Logan's Howl
9 November 2017 I hope you’ve been enjoying the brisk autumn air as much as we have. Dogs tend to love the fall, as their physiology is better suited to handle cooler weather than heat. Though we humans can’t necessarily say the same, jacket weather and a...